Sorry I'm being so lazy with updating. Life is just crazy now that I only have less than 5 weeks left until I am back in Copenhagen.
So I had my final Chinese exam on Wednesday; which went just fine, not because it was easy actually, but because I studied my characters well. I am very proud of myself actually. I only forgot how to write 2 character (homework) and that was it. Other than that, I am pretty sure I dominated that exam.
On the other hand, since it was my only exam, I didn't have to stress about studying for a million different classes. Just one.
Friday, after the last exams - sciences (Physics for freshmen, Chemistry for sophomores and Biology for juniors - excluding the one that took AP Chemistry and AP Biology/ people that are crazy smart), we took off for THE LAKE.
Shelby had invited a group of girls to her Grandparent's lakehouse in North Carolina, to celebrate her 16th birthday. It was an absolutely awesome weekend. We had soooooo much fun. Great time. Great times. And the house is so big and so pretty! They even had a boat! Maaaaaan it was fabulous.
We had yummy food, went kayaking, swam in the lake, hung on the dock, went tubing, saw eagles and their nest, ate a lot of flavor ice, had dance parties at night, decorated t-shirts and just enjoyed each other's company.

Tubing. Shelby, me and Anna G (who's about to fall off)

Everyone! Maddie, Maria, Katie, Baggy (Shelby's grandma), Shelby, me, Anna G
2nd row: Claire, Peyton, Hayley & Anna W
and their boat, of course.
It was a fabulous weekend that i thoroughly enjoyed with my amazing girls!
Marina came back from her Costa Rica trip, and is now working at the Westminster summer camp.
Carolina just found a job, tonight, at a mexican restaurant, as a waitress.
Agnes' mom is coming from Spain on monday. That's what's going on.
I'm just trying to enjoy my last few weeks. It's crazy to think about saying goodbye. Bahh, not yet. 4 loooooooooooong and beautiful weeks. Right? I can't realize it's going to end. It makes me so indescribably sad !!!!! :( It just seems like such a short amount of time.
Oh well, as I already said;
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
I hope y'all are great.
2 kommentarer:
wow how beautiful! I know.. i'm trying NOT to think about going home.. but it KILLS me! It's like i have so many thoughts that I can't sleep at night! And I am staying so busy with all the exchangies.. which is WONDERFUL cause I love them! :) But the reality is i have 2 weeks left.. and that's freaking scary. And NO ONE at home gets it.. they think they do and that's even worse. how are you holding up?
Oh looks beautiful - and like you had a great and fun day!
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