lørdag den 21. marts 2009

March 21st

In case any of you would want to know; they got the cat down. 
Mr. Justice sent out an e-mail with details and pictures.
I just wanted to let you know that our "wild" cat has been successfully rescued from the pine tree in front of Campbell.  It was intense and harrowing at times, but the cat made it back to earth without a scratch. 

Special thanks to Joe Tribble, who spearheaded the effort with Curtis from Stewart's Tree Service, along with Coach Tribble's specially recruited "catch squad" of Rob Franklin, Tyler Cooke, Hart Willoughby, and Mac Stormont, who were incredibly skilled with their plaid blanket. 

I'm sure it will be on our "wild" cat's FaceBook group page before too much time elapses. 

As always, GO CATS! 

Jim Justice 
High School Assistant Principal 

The Westminster Schools 
1424 W. Paces Ferry Rd. NW 
Atlanta, GA  30327 

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